Electric field lines of two point charges next to each other

Hi, I'm


PipInSpace! (she/her)

I work on high performance computing in Rust and OpenCL! My main project is IonSolver, a magnetohydrodynamic simulation software.


Hi, I'm Johanna aka. PipInSpace. Welcome to my website!

Here, I showcase my favourite projects and write about things on my Blog. You can also find some info about me in the About section.

I am currently working on my main project IonSolver, a magnetohydrodynamic physics simulation (Primarily for a student competition). I have some side projects, like my reminder software, a fancy sci-fi ui and this website.

If you want to work/collab with me, check out my about page for contact info and my skills/interests.

soon on my own vps!

Buttons 💜

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by PipInSpace.
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