About Me
Here I share some info about myself
0 | TLDR
me in bullet points:
- space is cool
- physics are awesome
- doing high performance computing
- software "engineer"
- love learning
- age < 20
- queer
- pronouns she/her
- left-leaning
- live in germany
- trains and bikes over cars
💜 i have a 88x31 button:
feel free to use it on your website if you want (i would love to hear from you if you do!)
check out my projects or my blog
contacts below
1 | Contacts
You can find me on the following channels:
- GitHub: @PipInSpace -- feel free to browse my code
- Fediverse: @pipinspace@mastodon.social -- more personal posting
- YouTube: @pipinspace -- occasional showcases
- Discord: @pipinspace -- for private messages
- Email: ask me
- Signal: ask me
- Keys: for confidential messages or checking signatures
PGP view -- file
2 | Interests
I love science, especially physics! Learning about how the world works in detail has always been fascinating for me. My dream is working in a scientific field one day.
I program in my free time. I'm self-taught and have always enjoyed "teaching" computers new skills. You can check out some of my projects here.
Combining science and computers, I currently work on my main project IonSolver, a magnetohydrodynamic simulation software. Working with complex physics and highly efficient parallel computing has been a new and very fun challenge.
I like solving problems and working on my own solutions. I often create custom tools like my static site generator pagebuild or my easily configurable reminder app.
Sometimes I tinker with hardware, but I usually stay on the software side. Learning new skills like GPU programming or basic webdev is always fun.
3 | Skills
I mainly work on high performance computing next to some smaller sideprojects like personal tools. Through working on my main project IonSolver I have learned how to handle bigger software projects with many individual features.
High Performance Computing Concurrent Programming GPU Acceleration Physics Simulations Graphics Programming Embedded systems Game Development
Language-wise I focus on Rust and OpenCL C for GPU-accelerated programming, but I have worked with many languages. I am learning APL on the side and have used HTML/CSS/JS for some web development experiments.
Rust C OpenCL C APL Java Python HTML/CSS Javascript Bash LaTeX